Taro and Bacon Hash

If you are looking for an alternative to your traditional carbs, such as sweet potatoes or cassava root, etc. try these amazing taro roots in this super easy hash.  It is amazing, please let us know what you think of these little gems. The flavor of these taro are so silky and smooth, you have to try these. Just writing about these make my mouth water…left overs are great with eggs or sardines, or anything that you love.


  • 10 Small Taro Roots (peeled and diced)
  • 3 Strips Thick Nitrate Free Bacon (diced)
  • 1 Tbsp Virgin Coconut Oil
  • Fresh Ground Pepper to taste
Perfect Taro Root
  1. Heat cast iron pan on medium-high heat, add diced bacon and coconut oil, cook until bacon fat begins to render (3-5 minutes)
  2. Add diced taro root and cook until taro begins to brown (10-12 minutes)
  3. Remove from pan, serve, and enjoy!

11 responses to “Taro and Bacon Hash”

  1. Oh, this sounds so good Jo! BTW, ever since Ron saw you and Henry eat sardines out of a can when we shared lunch at AHS, he thinks it is cool. Before, when I was the only person he had ever seen do it, he thought it was a bit odd! 🙂


    • LOL, that is JUST awesome and you both are great. We loved meeting you, finally, and AHS rocked..you made it that much more cool. We love your site. Sardines baby, all the way, we would be happy to suggest some that are great and safe, please let us know. XO Jo


  2. I’ve never had taro root but it looks incredible. Will have to see if I can hunt some down!


  3. Do you know if you can get taro root on the East Coast (Florida). I asked my produce man and he didn’t seem to know about them. Can they go by another name?



    • Becky,

      As far as finding Taro on the East coast I can assure you it’s possible, or at least it was for us in Boston… However, you will likely need to look for it at an Asian or Latin market. In Spanish Taro is known as “malanga” in Cuba or “yautia” in Puerto Rico. I hope this helps and please let us know if you found it and if you tried our recipe.

      Best in health,



  4. Wait, I thought taro had to be boiled first to get the toxins out, and then the water dumped, and then it is useable? Any thoughts?


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